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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Time for Change

The transition from steamy summer to chilly fall seemed to happen without warning. It's not like I'm disappointed or anything... I truly enjoy this time of the year. Autumn is a time for change, and boy have things changed. It's kind of crazy that we've been here for just over a month now. What a whirlwind the past 38 days have been. I really thought the move from MA to OH would be easy, and I'm happy to say that in many ways, it has.

Speaking for myself, it was only during the first week or two that I had mixed feelings. Ev and I were sleeping on a constantly deflating air mattress in a cramped 2-bedroom apartment with a busy road outside our window and no employment. There was a little dose of drama that got me questioning just how this would all work out. It's not easy for five people with different personalities to live together in a small space and get along. Realistically we won't always be on the same page, and that's something that I was willing to work with. We all want to love and support each other and work together to achieve a more comfortable life for everyone, but what would that really take? Did we bite off more than we could chew? Will we all be able to deal with the stresses that inevitability come?

Just as the doubt started creeping in, I realized that this too shall pass. Ev and I both started making a steady income and as a family we found and settled into our little bungalow. I feel like the relationship I have with my new family is already growing in a positive direction. I feel close to everyone, to my mother-in-law and to the sisters that I never had. Ev and I are accepting our responsibility as young and able working adults who will support our family and our household. We will do this so the girls may work towards their goals in achieving higher education and so Nan can slowly work less for a paycheck and more for herself and her family. And so we can provide a happy and healthy foundation for future little ones... don't worry, we're not quite there yet!

There's many things on our to-do list (and there always will be) not only for the house, but for ourselves and for the purpose of keeping quality family time a priority. All I can say is as we move forward in this daily dance called life, it becomes clearer. Embrace change and life opens itself up to you.

Cheers to my beautiful family... here in Ohio and where everything started in New England!

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